
Life Returning has helped approximately 600 people a year quit or substantially reduce their alcohol and/or other drugs habit. Since being founded in 2008 Life Returning has not received any financial assistance from any level of government or the NSW Health Service.

They have depended on the help of generous individuals living in their community which enables them to keep their Northern Beaches facility open.

Life Returning has no political or religious affiliations. Life Returning is completely managed and run on volunteers and no wage has been paid in eight years.

All donations have been channelled to paying the day facility rent and other facility running costs.

Life Returning uses no marketing agencies and every dollar that is donated is deposited directly into the Life Returning bank account.

Life Returning’s mission has always been to create a sustainable recovery support service. To continue this goal every dollar donated counts.

Life Returning (ABN 62 086 871 739) is a registered charity and has been transferred from the Australian Taxation Office to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.
