drug northern beaches alcohol help


While some clients are anxious by their own risky alcohol and other drugs behaviour, often family, partners and friends will be concerned with the amount or frequency of their loved one’s habit much earlier than they are. In fact, around 50% of clients who seek help from Life Returning are referred by a worried family member, partner or friend.

It is usual for this group to experience:

  • Little knowledge of where to go for help
  • Lack of success in receiving prompt help
  • Feelings of resentment, fear and guilt
  • Depression and anxiety about their loved one’s behaviour
  • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Stress managing financial, health or the everyday consequences of addiction
  • Grief for the loss of the relationship
  • Concern for other family members whom the addiction is affecting
  • Feelings of frustration and anger

The Life Returning team offer one-on-one or group consultations to family, partners and friends who are affected by alcohol and other drugs addiction. They can talk to you about your options and guide you to put into place practical techniques to help you cope with your loved one’s dependency. They can also refer you to other health professionals such as psychologists and general practitioners who have an understanding of and empathy with the impacts of addictions.

In most cases, they do not stage ‘interventions’ in the sense that if your loved one is unwilling to consider attempting to quit or reduce their habit, they believe there is little they (or anyone else) can do for them at that time. However, they are happy to talk to them about our outreach services which they are welcome to engage in if they so choose.

Consultations typically take place at their Brookvale office but they also engage with clients at general practitioners appointments and in hospital settings.

Recently Life Returning has been working with Family Drug Support (FDS), Northern Beaches, an exceptional organisation who offer specialised counselling, training workshops and drug information for family members of people affected by alcohol and other drugs use.

Please look at their website (www.fds.org.au) to learn more about their services. Life Returning can also facilitate an introduction to Julie Clark, who is the Project Officer for FDS Northern Beaches.